Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Afraid to gain weight when quit smoking? Here’s the tips

Many of the smokers worry that they will gain weight when they start to quit their pleasant habit. The truth is, not every smokers who quit will gain weight. The average was just around 4~10 pounds.

It is normal to gain some weight after you’ve quit your smoking and it’s healthy. Research have shown that, smoking actually made people thinner, in unhealthy way. A few simple strategies can help to limit weight gain while you kick the habit. When the addiction been totally broken, then you can work on losing any weight you’ve gained.

Smoking and Metabolism - Nicotine from tobacco actually boost our body’s metabolic rate. 1 cigarette can increase your heart beat 10-20 beats/minutes. That is one reason why smoking can cause heart disease. Quitting smoking can return back the the metabolic rate to normal condition. But have to aware that the calories you’ve been taken have to be reduce.

 Avoiding diets crash – Choose wisely what you wanted to eat. Choose food which is rich in nutrient and low in calories. Just don’t make a radical changes to what you’ll eat.

Smart enough to choose what to put in your mouth - Normally, craving nicotine were not the only problem you’ll face. The habit of lighting the cigarette and put it in your mouth, that’s the one they really missed. This is what expert say, “oral gratification”. Alternatively, choose something else to chew in your mouth. But, be sure it was low/zero calories. Some smart alternative include :

  • Sugar free gums
  • Sugar free hard candies
  • Celery or carrot sticks

Another tricks, brush your teeth frequently throughout the day. Clean and fresh mouth may less your urge to smoke.

Get busy – Also can distract from urging of smoke. Fill it with something that didn’t involve eating. Choose something related to physical activities like gardening, walking or doing chores. It burn your calories also. Research have shown that they have made positive effect on mood. Do whatever you like. As long it can distract your urge to smoke.

Expectation must be realistic – It is fine to gain some weight after you quit smoking. Just don’t put a pressure in it.

Keep health in perspective – When you’ve gain some weight while kick those habit, do not let it derail your effort. Remember this, by quit your smoking habit, make you live longer and healthier. Isn’t it more worth it? Those extra pound just a small piece of price that you have to pay by quitting smoking. But once you’re tobacco free, you’ll have more time to get the shape you want.

Many of smokers made this as an excuse for them not to quit smoking which was a very not acceptable. You the one who can make those happen and you the one can choose what path you want. Don’t just listening to others, try it out for your own good!


  1. Really thanks for sharing great tips here...i would recommended to my friends..

    Weight Gain

  2. Thanks Madhu.. keep following for a lot of tips will be coming..
