There were several ways to motivate people to quit their smoking habit. One of the ways was joining a contest. What are any good from contest? Well, contest got prizes and people always like prizes. It is kind of a rewards for their good job or behavior.
Some country, they have held many contest, just to attract smokers to quit their habit. Some of the contest give a very good price. See this :
Interesting right? Quit smoking, and you can get a Hybrid Car! That was really a good price to catch, isn’t it?
While others offer a lesser price, but still it was a good ways to motivate people to quit their smoking habit. There are many contest that you can join. Not only you’ll get prizes, you can also try to quit your smoking. The principle is simple, you want the prize, you quit your smoking habit, that’s it. But, is that the right way to do? Is it, then after the competition is off or the contest were over, then the contestant will start to smoke again?
Yes, the possibility is there. But, the main thing is, the method or the way it was done, the motivation they gained, in the process to win the prize, hopefully can gain their strength and build up their confident to quit their smoking habit. Because, they have to think deeply inside, if they can quit in certain period, then they can also quit forever.
How about the loser? Were they will go back to their habit? Well, it was depend on themselves. Are you among the frustrated, that, going back to the habit, just because you loose the contest? Well, please think again, my friend. Are you going to waste the precious time you gained, in time you are free from cigarette smoke? The answer really rely on yourself. If you are thinking about the price, more than your life, then you’re completely wrong. The price were just a bonus. A bonus for you to gained your healthier life back.
Well, there are many contest you can join out there. Just check your local listing or google it. There, you can find many contest you can join and hopefully this can be one of alternative ways to quit smoking. Make this as your motivation that can drive you away from the smoking habit. Remember, first is healthier life, second is the price. Hope you can win something!
p/s: To all participant in driven to quit challenge, good luck and whose the luckiest to win the hybrid car??