Hey everybody. Don’t you know that smoking not just kill yourself. But it also poses a very serious threat to our lovely planet? Do you know that till today, there were estimated 1.7 billion smoker around the world? And do you know that 82,000 to 99,000 starting to smoke everyday? It’s a large number isn’t?
If you wanted to say that the smoke from the cigarette have pollute the air around us, think about the beginning of the process, means the tobacco product manufacturer.
Tobacco was a major industries in over 100 country, mainly at the third world country. They were really rely on trade income of this tobacco product. But the sad part is, the process of the tobacco leaf becoming a cigarette or any tobacco related product really can and have damaging our earth. How?
Tobacco, like many large commercial cultivation is very vulnerable to pests and diseases, including many species of nematodes known to attack plant roots and viruses such as tobacco mosaic. In an attempt to control the problem, the manufacturers rely heavily on a number of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. the use of these chemicals is so intense that within three months after the harvest, it can reach up to 16 applications of agrochemicals. These chemicals often leach into the soil and contaminate local water sources.
There is also concern among scientists that the use of these chemicals such as aldicarb (one of the most toxic chemicals for use in the present) and chlorpyrifos, can contribute to the development of parasites resistant to chemicals. In the areas affected by insect-borne diseases such as malaria, it could be a serious consequence for public health.
The crop is also an important factor in deforestation in some regions. The first harvested of raw tobacco must be preserved before it can be stored and processed. This is generally used the treatment of flue gas; by spreading the hot air through the harvested leaves. And to done that, they use a large amount of woods. In Malawi, for example, has over 35 000 tonnes of the crop each year to treat to tobacco product. To heal a ton, it takes about 12 cubic meters of wood. In total, each year, it was thought that 200 000 hectares of forest is used for the manufacture of snuff. This represents approximately 1.5% of total net forest loss.
Tries in response to this loss of forest cover of the tobacco industry, encourage their farmers to plant trees with their crops for the task required. In Kenya, plantations planted under the supervision of the British American Tobacco uses non-native, fast growing trees like eucalyptus. Unfortunately, these fast-growing trees, more water than native species and during the 2009 drought that the region must be taken, farmers were encouraged to remove the eucalyptus trees in an attempt to save the country's shrinking supply of water.
Tobacco is still a problem for the environment after it has become the ultimate consumer product. Cigarettes produce a large amount of waste. In 1996, found a study on the garbage collection in 43 U.S. states that 20% were cigarette butts. Most of the cigarettes is not responsible for and threw cigarettes find their way into rivers, streams and seas. The chemicals in cigarettes, including nicotine, are known to be toxic to some marine animals. 2003 International Coastal Cleanup Day will be found cigarette butts (including snuff containers and accessories such as lighter and more), the main source of the rest with 1.922 million non-cash items (29.5% of total).
Discarded cigarettes are common causes of forest fires including the world worst forest fire tragedy on 1987. At that time, it was suspected that the workers has thrown cigarette butts in the dry forest, swept Daxinganling Heilongjiang Province, China. 300 people died, 5,000 were made homeless and 1.3 million hectares of forest was destroyed.
Although WHO FCTC have spread the words on how dangerous of tobacco to health and earth eco-system, all also depends to all National organization to prevent the risk causes by tobacco manufacturing. We also can support this act by quitting our smoking habit and live more healthier. Is that more better? You decide…..
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